Fill In the blanks: iCarly (Wikiboy10)

Hello. My name is Wikiboy10 (The dots are the blanks) and I worked as a nightguard at Nickelodeon Studios. I usually get to watch episodes days before they air. Once, me and several co-workers got to view a new episode of iCarly before it aired. Usually, there are comical titles to the episodes, sort of work realated chuckles, like a title would have a fake title like iEnd instead of iPilot.So, when we saw the title was iGoodbye Again, we shrugged it off and continued with the episode. It started with Spencer talking to Carly Suddenly, the characters got hyper-realistic. It was Then, we were scared., I went out of the room. Then, a quick picture lasted one frame, so we had to rewind the tape, where we saw a dude writing a creepypsta It was a trollpasta It was so crappy, I farted again, and we continued with the episode. Then, we heard screaming, and Nevel was holding a fish head, then a voice said "Trollpastas are better...Creepypastas suck!", and we saw a hyper realistic dead SpongeBob Then, the tape suddenly exploded, so that's why I can't show you the video. My friend caused suicide later, and his note said "My mom were/was too slow". Then, I visited his Mom and then a zombie. popped out.